Steve Granda will demo communicating with an Arduino, a simple microcontroller popular with hobbyists, using Python. This one of a series of demo-y talks related to using Python to communicate with hardware.
Here are the presentation files: PDF; PowerPoint
And here’s the Arduino sketch: pythonlights.ino
Planning stuff:
Please note that we’re now meeting at the Makerspace, as we are more formally associated with them at this point
The Makerspace is located in the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (basement), 202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana (same building as the post office that’s right by Lincoln Square Mall)
The Makerspace is a bit of a challenge to find, but we’ll have signs up. We’ll also be keeping an eye on this mailing list and (and our Meetup messages and our Facebook group and all the other places…) so contact us if you find the building but can’t find the room.