Also note that starting today, we’ll be holding all our general meetings at the Makerspace (at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (basement), 202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana).
10 minutes for introductions
Usually reserved for 30 minutes for main talk and Q&A, but we don’t have a main talk this time due to the crazy weather and other crazy things
Nadia will give us a quick tour on using GitHub.
10 minutes birds of a feather
10 minutes of group TILing (Today I Learned)
20 minutes business/boring stuff
10 minutes planning for next time
The rest of the time to be used for hanging out and working on whatever.
This is a weekly Py-CU event for people to work on projects, seek assistance on projects, socialize, plan, and generally enjoy being around people who like to code, too. Individuals of all levels of programming experience are encouraged to come.