Our first meeting will be held at the Champaign Public Library, in the Robeson Pavillion Room C at 6:30 PM


Main Talk

Gabe Weaver will be talking about his XUTools project, it’s motivations and implementation in python. He desribes XUTools as:

Our eXtended Unix tools (XUTools) extend traditional Unix tools to process a broader class of languages in which security-policies are expressed. XUTools is already in demand by a variety of practitioners and articles on our research have been featured in various news outlets such as ComputerWorld, CIO Magazine, Communications of the ACM, and Hacker News.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are short talks. ( More info) They are generally introductions to a topic, or a rant, or a rave, or…. The talks are a maximum of 5 minutes and open to anyone, on a first-come first-serve basis. If you want to give a lightning talk, show up a bit early and get on the list!

Birds of a Feather Breakouts

After the “official” content, we’ll be breaking out into Birds of a Feather sessions. The topics are fluid, but the idea is to find people with similar interests and hack, discuss, and generally have fun.

And finally….

We would appreciate if you take some time to fill out this survey if you plan on coming to this, or any, event of ours, so we can use the info to find topics and presenters that are actually of interest to the community in C-U. We will not use this information for anything other than understanding the group, ever.